Nowadays follies are built into many garden designs, not just as the eye-catchers of old, but more as part of the overall structure. The limitless design options can enhance planting schemes, beds and borders, provide screens and dividers for different, sometimes secret, garden hideaways, and often serve as the backdrop or even main feature for all facets of outdoor living and entertaining. That’s before you even start exploring ideas for Garden Rooms, a Potting Shed, Garden Retreat or Pool House.
Learn how we did it
Contact Tim for your own custom design, however small or large – practically everything is always in stock – most orders delivered in under two weeks (unless you’re after a cathedral!)
Featured Products

Double Light Gothic Window
REC7027dl £568.00 inc vat

The Bell Tower Window
REC7023 £722.50 inc vat

Single Light Tracery Window
REC6024sl £335.00 inc vat

9″ Set Off
REC6095 £70.00 inc vat

Double Light Tracery Window
REC6024dl £625.00 inc vat

Quadruple Light Tracery Window
REC6024ql £1,084.00 inc vat

Secret Door Wrought Iron Gate
REC6013g £625.00 inc vat

Secret Wooden Door
REC6013d £680.00 inc vat

The Secret Door
REC6013 £1,170.00 inc vat

Large Font
REC4075 £1,415.00 inc vat

Large Half Bullnosed Step
REC6062l £110.00 inc vat

Ruined Secret Door
REC6013 £485.00 inc vat

REC6031 from £22.00 inc vat

Flower Show Planter
RT27 £289.00 inc vat

Feature Quoin
REC6045 £50.00 inc vat

Spiral Step (pair of stones)
REC6061 £340.00 inc vat

Ruined Mullion Window
REC6023dl ruin £211.00 inc vat
Gothic Panel, handed
REC6042 £250.00 inc vat

Large Half Bullnosed Step
REC6062l £110.00 inc vat
Small Kneeler Stone
REC6052b £32.00 inc vat

REC6041d from £78.75 inc vat
Kneeler Stone
REC6052a £62.50 inc vat

Large Drinking Trough
REC4043 £390.00 inc vat
RR3001s £120.00 inc vat
All of the furniture and props used are ‘model’s own’, used to provide garden inspiration and fire the imagination for your own garden ideas. As such they are not available for sale.