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The Plants:

Stoneworks Show Garden Plants

The Plant List:

Achillea ‘Summerwine’
Alchemilla mollis
Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Jewel’
Geranium ‘Rozanne’
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’
Lavandula augustifolia ‘Hidcote’
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’
Nepeta x faassei ‘Pursian Blue’
Pittosporum tenufolium ‘Silver Ball’
Rosa ‘Bonica’
Rosa ‘Chevy Chase’
Rosa ‘Minnehaha’
Rosa ‘Our Beth’
Rosa ‘The Fairy’
Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’
Salvia x jamensis ‘Nachtvlinder’
Stipa tenuissima
Verbena rigida ‘Santos Purple’

The Stoneworks Show Garden

Stoneworks Show Garden Introduction

Stoneworks Show Garden Introduction

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Stoneworks Show Garden Preparation 8

Stoneworks Show Garden Preparation

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Lower Walling 2

Stoneworks Show Garden Plinth & Walling

Plinth & Walling: Our stone plinth sections laid all round and the start of the brickwork Parapet and Celebration Frieze details liven up the lower walling A lovely String detail using our Stone Roof tiles…

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