Quoined Mullion Window
We offer full ‘house’ scaled Quoined Mullion Windows in 450mm and 610mm opening versions. These windows accept metal framed double glazing units.
Also we have a smaller ‘feature’ scale Mullion Window which is rebated at the back and can be direct glazed.

Single Light Quoined Mullion Window 610mm
REC6026sl £1,235.00 inc vat

Single Light Quoined Mullion Window 610mm, 4 jamb
REC6026sl 4j £1,108.00 inc vat
Multi-light windows
With a combination of single, double, left, right, single middle & double middle cills and heads any amount of lights from one to infinity can be catered for. From a Squint to a Cloister, the options are endless.

Double Light Quoined Mullion Window 610mm
REC6026dl £1,648.00 inc vat

Triple Light Quoined Mullion Window 610mm
REC6026tl £2,281.00 inc vat

Triple Light Quoined Mullion Window 610mm, 4 jamb
REC6026tl 4j £2,154.00 inc vat

Double Light Quoined Mullion Window 450mm
REC6025dl £1,520.00 inc vat

Double Light Quoined Mullion Window 450mm
REC6025dl £1,520.00 inc vat

Triple Light Quoined Mullion Window 450mm
REC6025tl £2,091.00 inc vat

Quadruple Light Quoined Mullion Window 450mm
REC6025ql £2,662.00 inc vat
Feature Mullion Window

Triple Light Mullion Window
REC6023tl £494.00 inc vat

Triple Light Mullion Window
REC6023tl £494.00 inc vat

Single Light Mullion Window
REC6023sl £222.00 inc vat

Quadruple Light Mullion Window
REC6023ql £642.00 inc vat
Multi-light windows
With a combination of single, double, left, right, single middle & double middle cills and heads any amount of lights from one to infinity can be catered for. From a Squint to a Cloister, the options are endless.

Double Light Mullion Window
REC6023dl £352.00 inc vat

Double Light Mullion Window
REC6023dl £352.00 inc vat

Triple Light Mullion Window
REC6023tl £494.00 inc vat

Triple Light Mullion Window
REC6023tl £494.00 inc vat
Please note dimensions shown do not include joints.